smoke haze drifts down from Canada
for the third time this summer. Luckily (if that’s the right word for it) I’m too tired to go outside much right now, not for any bad reason, simply a description of where I’m at right now. When I usually write a sentence like “I’m tired” on a blog like this it’s fraught with meaning. Echoes of depression, that sort of thing. This time I could really just use a nap. It’s a new set of feelings, in a way. Contentment. Things are going okay for me. Life inclining in a positive trajectory, towards feelings of fulfillment and self-actualization and that sort of thing. Perhaps the best sign that I haven’t had much to worry about is that I haven’t had much to write about. Not that lacunae on a blog like this are unusual. I’ve had one on my professional blog for at least a year now. “How do you write when you have nothing to worry about?” turns out to be a not untrivial question for me. The answer it seems is to write less. Move more. Talk more. Fuck more. It’s not a bad life. Except, of course, for the smoke drifting down from Canada.